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Do, Q. A., Yang, J. P., Knopp, K., Gaska, K. A., & Scott, S. B. (2022). Centering Asian American women’s health: Prevalence of health care discrimination and associated health outcomes. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities.

Do, Q. A., Knopp, K., & Scott, S. B. (2021). Intimate partner violence in female same-gender couples: An investigation of actor-partner correlates within the past year. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.

Scott, S. B., Knopp, K., Yang, J. P., Do, Q. A., Gaska, K. (in press). Sexual minority women, health care discrimination, and poor health outcomes: A mediation model through delayed care. LGBT Health.

Scott, S. B., Knopp, K., Yang, J., Gaska, K., & Do, Q. A. (in press). Sexual minority women and discriminatory healthcare experiences: An intersectional evaluation across race and ethnicity. Women’s Health Issues.

Scott, S. B., Pulice-Farrow, L., Do, Q. A., Garibay, B., Balsam, K. F. (in press). “The sense of falling in love again”: Transgender and nonbinary individuals’ positive experiences in romantic relationships during gender transitions. The Behavioral Therapist 46 (3), 113-122.

Scott, S. B., Parsons, A., Do, Q. A., Knopp, K. & Rhoades, G. K. (2021). Actor-partner effects of sexual minority stress and relationship quality in female same-gender couples. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice.

Scott, S. B., Garibay, B., & Do, Q. A. (2021). Reasons for relationship dissolution in female same-gender and queer couples. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice.


Professional Presentations

Conference Panels/Symposia

Do, Q.A., Nhan, E.R., Chen, J.A., & Yang, J. P. (November, 2022). A mixed-methods study of race-based stress affecting Asian Americans during COVID-19. In Q. Do (Chair), Understanding the Experiences, Fear, and Effects of Discrimination among Asian Americans during COVID-19 [Symposium]. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 56th Annual Convention, New York City, NY.

Scott, S. B., Gaska, K., Knopp, K., Do, Q. A., & Yang, J. (2022, November). An intersectional evaluation of sexual minority women and health dare discrimination. In S. Scott and K. Narine (Chairs), "There is no such thing as a single issue struggle": Exposure and Effects of Intersectional Stress in LGBTQ+ POC Communities [Symposium]. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York City, NY.

Hong, J., Chang, N., Mehta, T., Narine, K., Aguilera, A., & Do, Q. A. (November, 2021). Increasing access to evidence-based treatments for underserved and diverse populations: Creative, innovative, real-world solutions [Clinical Round Table]. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 55th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.

Eyal, M., Bower, T., Playfair, E., & Do, Q. (2019, April). Exploring the effectiveness of a trauma-informed mind-body group intervention for teachers [Symposium]. Am

Conference Posters

Do, Q. A., Yang, J. P., Gaska, K. A., & Scott, S. B. (2022, April). Experiences of healthcare discrimination, inaccessibility, and associated health outcomes among Asian American women. Poster presented at the 7th Annual Cultural Inclusion Institute, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX.

Do, Q. A., Yang, J. P., Gaska, K. A., & Scott, S. B. (2021, November). Centering the healthcare experiences of Asian women in the U.S. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Do, Q.A., Knopp, K., & Scott, S.B. (2020, November). Investigating actor-partner effects in intimate partner violence in female same-sex relationships. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Solorzano, Y., Hinojosa, Z., Do, Q.A., Meca, A., & Scott, S.B. (2022, May). A qualitative investigation of HCaP faculty of color and women faculty. Poster presented at the 2022 UTSA Department of Psychology Student Research Symposium Program, San Antonio, TX.

Nhan, E.R., Do, Q.A., Tung, E.L., & Yang, J.P. (2022, January). A phenomenological qualitative media analysis of anti-Asian racism and race-based stress during COVID-19. Poster presented at the biennial National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Garibay, B., Do, Q. A., Knopp, K., & Scott, S. B. (2021, November). A longitudinal study of relationship dissolution in female same-gender couples. Poster accepted at the annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Gaska, K. A., Yang, J. P., Ellis, D., Do, Q. A., & Scott, S. B. (2021, June). Rethinking medical mistrust: Recent experiences of Black, Indigenous and other women of color in the U.S. healthcare system. Verbal presentation accepted at the Academy Health Annual Research Meeting (ARM), online.

Rodriguez, D., Do, Q. A., Garibay, B., & Scott, S. B. (2021, May). Investigating family dynamics surrounding mental health in the Latinx American community. Poster presented at the Mellon Humanities Pathways Summer Workshop Poster Conference, San Antonio, Texas.

Garibay, B., Do, Q. A., Knopp, K., & Scott, S. B. (2021, April). A longitudinal study of relationship dissolution in female same-gender couples. Poster presented at the Spring 2021 Undergraduate Research & Creative Inquiry Showcase, San Antonio, Texas.

Wen, N. J., Watson-Jones, R. E., Do, Q. A., Nguyen, A. H., Gelman, S. A., & Legare, C. H. (2017, October). The effect of in-group rituals on the perceived instrumental function of tools. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Portland, Oregon.

Invited Talks

Do, Q.A. (October, 2022). Graduate School Q&A. Invited speaker at the Graduate School Panel hosted by the Student Psychology Association, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX.

Do, Q. A. (November, 2021). How to Build an Effective CV. Invited speaker at the Professional Development event hosted by the Student Psychology Association, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX.

Do, Q. A. (March, 2019). How to Support a Survivor. Co-leader of a trauma-informed workshop hosted by the Interpersonal Violence Peer Support Program, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.

Do, Q. A. (December, 2018). Sexual Violence, Trauma, and Self-Care. Invited speaker at the Self-Care Day with Miss B&G Girls event hosted by the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.


Research Experiences

Postdoc Clinical Scholar Fellow


Intimate Partner Violence Intervention Lab

The Family Institute at Northwestern University

PI: Erika Lawrence, Ph.D.

• Conduct research on group-based interventions for intimate partner violence.

Project Director


PRIDE Family Studies Lab

College for Health, Community and Policy, University of Texas at San Antonio

PI: Shelby Scott, Ph.D.

• Managed, organized, and analyzed dyadic data in female same-sex couples

• Assisted with the development of IRB protocols for new research projects

• Composed manuscripts and grant proposals for studies of violence in same-sex

couples and non-monogamous relationships

• Edited manuscripts and grant proposals for new studies on female same-sex couples

and transgender health

• Presented research findings at research conferences

• Mentored undergraduate research assistants on research design and conference presentations

• Other admin tasks: created Qualtrics surveys, built a lab website, scheduled participant interviews, managed lab tasks, tracked participant records, tracked project progress, etc.

Graduate Research Assistant


Baptist Children and Family Services, Health and Human Services

PI's: Candace Christensen, Ph.D., Amy Chanmugam, Ph.D.

Project: BSFS Health and Human Services community project for survivors of human trafficking. 

• Conducted and synthesized literature review on human trafficking

• Facilitated the IRB application process

• Prepared materials for focus group interviews (e.g., Zoom instructions)

• Assisted with manuscript composition

• Assisted with qualitative data collection with human trafficking survivors

Graduate Research Assistant



Department of Psychology, University of San Francisco

PI: Joyce P. Yang, Ph.D.  

Project: COVID AAPI Race-based Stress Study

• Conceptualize research questions and hypotheses related to Asian Americans’ experiences of discrimination during COVID-19

• Managed and cleaned quantitative data

• Conducted descriptive and reliability analyses for study demographics and measures

• Coded and analyzed qualitative data on the experiences and impact of anti-Asian discrimination during COVID-19  

Graduate Research Assistant


Department of Social Work, University of Texas at San Antonio

PI: Megan Piel, Ph.D., MSW

Project: Bexar County Fostering Educational Success (BCFES) Pilot Program

• Cleaned, coded, and analyzed quantitative and qualitative data

• Assisted with the IRB application and survey building for a project focused on the experiences of trauma in foster care alumni

• Conducted literature review on the relationship between trauma and education in foster care alumni

Ad Hoc Peer Reviewer


• Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy

• Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice

• Psychology of Women Quarterly

• Archives of Sexual Behavior 

• Educational Psychology Review

Graduate Research Assistant


Coping, Health, And Stress in Education Lab

Department of Educational Psychology, University of Texas at Austin

PI: Christopher McCarthy, Ph.D.

• Conducted studies on teacher stress and coping
• Participated in the planning process of teacher stress intervention at local schools
• Collected, transcribed, and coded qualitative data
• Reviewed manuscripts
• Prepared presentation for AERA annual conference 2019

Graduate Research Assistant


Social Harmony Lab

Department of Psychology, University of Texas at Austin,  

PI: Marlone Henderson, Ph.D.

• Conducted studies examining prosocial behaviors in college students
• Conducted meta literature review on prosocial modeling and moral identity

Undergraduate Research Assistant


Evolution, Ontogeny of Cognition & Culture Laboratory

Department of Psychology, University of Texas at Austin

PI: Cristine Legare, Ph.D.

• Conducted studies examining the development of imitation and social learning
• Collected, transcribed, and coded behavioral data
• Recruited child participants and scheduled appointments
• Trained research assistants on lab duties
• Co-managed front-desk registration for the Society for Philosophy and Psychology Conference (June
2016, Austin, TX)

Undergraduate Intern


Intellectual Entrepreneurship Pre-Graduate School Internship, University of Texas at Austin, Moody College of Communication

Graduate Student Mentor: Nicole Wen, Ph.D.
• Shadowed graduate student responsibilities including collecting data with children and adults,
transcribing and coding behavioral data, recruiting child participants
• Networked with researchers, professors, and non-academic professionals in the field of psychology

RESEARCH: Experience
  • LinkedIn

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